Graduate Studies in English

  • Getting a PhD in English

    This guide will help you prepare for and apply to graduate school in English literature. Careful consideration of the topics below will make the process considerably easier. Any faculty member can answer questions you might have.

    Should You Go?

    Graduate school is not like college. It is a full-time job that pays badly. Many people find it emotionally draining. And academic jobs are scarce. The people who do best in graduate school are there because they are deeply committed to the work—literary investigation and writing. Is that you?

    Keep in mind, though, that deciding to apply isn’t the same thing as deciding to go. There’s no harm in applying before you’re sure.

    These sites might help you make up your mind:
    •UC Berkeley has a few questions you might ask yourself before deciding to become a graduate student:

    •The University of Washington has an excellent discussion of good and bad reasons for going to graduate school in English:

    •Thomas Benton thinks that, no, you shouldn’t go:

    •Take a look at what actual graduate students do on a day-to-day basis. This message board will give you a sense of what the life is like:

    And some thoughts on the long-term value, from GoodCall:

    Getting Ready

    There are many things you can do while at Knox to help you succeed, both in graduate school and in applying to graduate school:

    •Talk to your advisor as soon as possible. By your junior year, you should let people know that you’re considering it.

    •Take a lot of survey courses. By the time you apply to graduate school, you should know whether you’re interested in American or British literature. Consider taking 231 and 232, or 251, 252, and 253.

    •Take as many theory courses as possible. Theory courses include 200, 334, and most 300-level seminars.

    •Consider TA’ing for a class. Talk to your professors about whether they would be willing to work with you.

    •Submit your work every chance you get. Apply for prizes. Try to publish what you’ve written. Submit papers to conferences. These things look good on an application and will give you valuable experience.

    •Think about what you can use for a writing sample. The best writing sample will probably be a seminar paper that reflects your broader intellectual interests.

    •Consider an Honors Project. Successfully completing an Honors Project will give you a preview of graduate work and it will communicate to schools that you’re serious.

    •Know that applying to graduate school is expensive. You will need to budget for exams, application fees, transcripts, and postage.

    And you might want to look at possible calendars for applying:

    •UC Berkeley has a timeline, for your Junior and Senior years, that should get you started:

    •And UC Santa Barbara has a timeline in case you’re beginning in your Senior year:

    An Overview
    If you want a quick look at what it takes to get into graduate school and to do well there, check these out:

    •Thomas Benton, the one who didn’t think you should go to graduate school, has some excellent advice in case you decide to go anyway:

    •You can find Knox’s advice on whether and where to go to graduate school here:

    •Peterson’s Graduate Planner walks you through all you need to know:

    •The Modern Language Association—the mother ship of literary studies—has this advice on choosing programs and what to do once you’re there:

    You should know that there are two types of graduate programs: those that offer terminal Masters degrees and those that offer PhDs. A PhD is necessary if you plan to teach literature at the college level. If you’re going to graduate school for other reasons—perhaps just to scout out the territory—you might consider getting a Masters. Know, though, that funding is likely to be better in a PhD program than in a terminal Masters program. You might also consider PhD programs that offer Masters degrees to students who choose to leave early.

    •This page, at Washington and Jefferson College, has an excellent discussion of whether to look at Masters or PhD programs in English and how to put together a strong application:

    •This site, from the University of Wisconsin at Stevens Point, has a good discussion of Masters programs and PhD programs in English, and on the whether’s, where’s, and how’s of going to graduate school:

    Where Should You Go?
    Choosing a graduate school is a complicated thing. Several factors should affect your decision:

    •How well does a specific program match your interests? Are there people there you want to work with? Is the program geared toward your strengths?

    •Where are you willing to live? Only on the coasts? Anywhere north of the Mason-Dixon line? Near your family? You’re going to be there for a long time, so think about it.

    •How much funding is available? Taking on massive amounts of debt is risky business, especially given that jobs are scarce.

    •How prestigious is the program? If you plan to teach at the college level, a highly ranked program may make it easier to find a job.

    •How long does it take students to finish, and how well do they do on the job market? When you’ve narrowed it to a few schools, consider asking what their normative time is, what their average time to completion is, what their placement rates are, and how many of their graduates end up in tenure track jobs.

    •Are you sure you want to finish? If not, look at programs that will let you leave early with a Masters.

    Start by checking out these sites:

    •You can find a directory of English programs, organized by geography, here:

    •You can find the 2013 rankings for the top 100 programs here:

    •The University of Washington lists some questions you might ask yourself when choosing a program:

    •Use the search tool here to figure out which programs fit your own personal criteria:

    •And of course you should look at schools’ own sites to see what they have to say for themselves.

    The Application

    A graduate school application typically consists of five things:

    •The application itself, including your transcripts. You should request applications from the schools you’re interested in. Follow directions to the letter

    •GRE scores for the general exam and subject exam

    •A statement of purpose

    •A writing sample

    •Letters of recommendation. (Your letters of recommendation are sometimes referred to as your dossier)

    Advice on specific parts of the application is below. But here are some general suggestions to get you started:

    •UC Davis has some general advice on putting together an application:

    •The University of Washington breaks down the nuts and bolts of an application:

    GRE Scores
    The GRE is a nightmare. Take advantage of whatever test-prep is available to you. Knox usually offers a GRE preparatory program in the fall. Take it. Do your homework. You will probably need to take the test in October to ensure that your scores arrive on time.

    •Register for the GRE’s, and get some basic information, here:

    •You can find lots of advice about doing well on the general exam here:

    The subject test is another creature altogether:

    •Here are useful tips from someone who did pretty well:

    •And more tips from someone else:

    •And you might also download flashcards for the subject test (yes, it’s the kind of test where flashcards would really help):

    A Statement of Purpose
    Your statement of purpose is, perhaps, the most important part of your application. Please do not write about your profound love of literature, which is not only universal among applicants, but irrelevant to your success as a graduate student. And be sure to get help—the best statements go through many revisions.

    In your statement, you want to communicate the following:

    •What you’re interested in. The more specific you can be, the better. What field, genre, or topic are you working on? What critics and critical schools have influenced your work? What questions are you hoping to answer?

    •Why you are qualified to go to graduate school. Programs want to know that you will do well in graduate school, stick around to finish, and make them look good once you’re done. Have you won awards? Do you belong to societies? Have you presented your work somewhere?

    •Why you’re interested in a particular program. Is there someone there you want to work with? Does their library have holdings you need? Do they have a special program or project that’s right up your alley? How can they help you meet your goals?

    •That you’re an excellent writer. Above all else, the statement is a writing sample. Make it a good one.

    Look for more suggestions here:

    •UC Berkeley has some general advice about statements of purpose:

    •You can find a good overview of what to do, and what not to do, in a statement from the University of Washington’s site:

    •There is excellent advice, here, from people at UC Santa Barbara who read these things for a living:

    •Look here for lots and lots of thoughts about what goes into a successful statement:

    •Read about one student who writes a statement from the heart, and then revises like crazy:

    A Writing Sample
    Your writing sample shows what you can do. It will probably be a seminar paper or the beginnings of an Honors Project.

    •A writing sample is usually between 15 and 20 pages. It should be theoretically-minded, and it should rely on secondary sources.

    •Ideally, your writing sample will relate to what you say your interests are. That is, it will be an example of what you’re working on.

    •Plan to revise your writing sample during the application process. It must be shiny and solid.

    Letters of Recommendation
    Be sure to review the department’s guidelines for requesting letters before you need them. Keep the following in mind, too, when applying to graduate schools:

    •The best letters of recommendation come from professors who know you well. Develop relationships early, as you may need to request letters long before you graduate.

    •You want your statement of purpose, your writing sample, and your letters of recommendation to tell a coherent story. Thus, when you submit your requests for letters, you will need to have drafts of your personal statement and writing sample ready.

    Your best bet is to pay attention to the following:

    •Absolutely follow the department’s guidelines:

    •UC Berkeley has some general guidelines for requesting letters:

    •And you can find suggestions from Yale on how to get the best letters from your professors:

    •If you plan to apply to more than a handful of schools, or if you’re requesting letters before you actually apply, consider setting up a credential file at Knox’s Center for Career and Pre-Professional Development:

    And again, remember the following:

    •The earlier you start preparing for graduate school, the more options you’ll have.

    •You can decide to apply to graduate schools without being sure you want to go.

    •Your professors are here to help you. Just ask.

  • Getting an M.F.A in Creative Writing
    This guide will help you prepare for and apply to graduate school in Creative Writing. Careful consideration of the topics below will make the process considerably easier. Any faculty member can answer questions you might have.

    Graduate school is not like college. It is a full-time job that pays badly. Some people find it emotionally draining. And academic jobs are scarce. The people who do best in graduate school are there because they are deeply committed to the work—writing and literary investigation. Is that you?

    Keep in mind, though, that deciding to apply isn’t the same thing as deciding to go, although applying is quite time consuming for all involved. Moreover, there’s absolutely nothing wrong with taking a few years off. In fact, most of us would encourage it.

    The MFA is a terminal degree, allowing the holder to apply for teaching positions at the university level, but it does not guarantee employment. MFA programs can be very difficult to get into given the limited number of slots for new students in any given year and the large applicant pool of talented writers. The only compelling reason to attend an MFA program is that you genuinely want to continue to work on your craft. It is, after all, a Fine Arts degree and thus, a studio degree.

    These sites might help you make up your mind:
    See what Poets & Writers has to say about the MFA:
    (or register to access the MFA tool-kit...)

    For down to earth, contemplative and honest ideas on the nature of the MFA, check out:

    UC Berkeley has a few questions you might ask yourself before deciding to become a graduate student:

    The University of Washington has an excellent discussion of good and bad reasons for going to graduate school in English:

    Thomas Benton thinks that, no, you shouldn’t go:

    And some thoughts on the long-term value, from GoodCall:

    (Note: although many of these links refer to PhDs in English, we find the advice applicable for MFAs too.)

    There are, however, a number of different routes to go with regard to graduate studies in English. Yes, you can pursue a PhD in Literature or an MFA in Creative Writing (usually, these are genre specific). You can also pursue an MA in Creative Writing, a PhD in Creative Writing, or a PhD in Literature with a Creative Dissertation. Most of the Creative Writing faculty at Knox hold MFA degrees; some of us also have other advanced degrees. Talk to us, obviously, and we’ll tell you what we think.

    Exploring the distinctions and nuances between such programs is complex and, as of this writing, an issue of great discussion among writers and scholars. The following links should help you better grasp why this is such a hot topic, and there’s certainly more information on the web than we can keep up with here:

    Getting Ready

    There are many things you can do while at Knox to help you succeed, both in graduate school and in applying to graduate school:

    • Talk to your advisor as soon as possible. By your junior year, you should let people know that you’re considering it.

    • Take survey courses. By the time you apply to graduate school, you should have considerable exposure to both American and British literature.

    • Take as many workshops as possible and in as many different genres as possible.

    • Try to cover as much literary ground in your time here as you can. Don’t focus entirely in one period or one genre. You need a firm knowledge of the traditions on which contemporary literature relies.

    • Consider TA’ing for a class. Talk to your professors about whether they would be willing to work with you.

    • Think about what you can use for a writing sample. The best writing sample will probably be a revised portion of a final portfolio for workshop. Don’t assume, just because you did well in the course, that it is ready to go. Another few rounds of revision will probably be necessary.

    • Consider an Honors Project. Successfully completing an Honors Project will give you a preview of graduate work and it will communicate to schools that you’re serious. That said, however, Honors work is not required for Graduate applications, and often times students find it difficult to do both simultaneously.

    • Know that applying to graduate school is expensive. You will need to budget for exams, application fees, transcripts, and postage.

    And you might want to look at possible calendars for applying:

    UC Berkeley has a timeline, for your Junior and Senior years, that should get you started:

    And UC Santa Barbara has a timeline in case you’re beginning in your Senior year:

    An Overview

    If you want a quick look at what it takes to get into graduate school and to do well there, check these out:

    Poets & Writers Magazine offers an excellent toolkit for MFA applicants, but you have to register & sign in here:

    Or explore their database here:

    or check out their fall 2011 MFA issue here:

    Or consider AWP’s advice & guides:

    We really like this guy and his links:

    Thomas Benton, the one who didn’t think you should go to graduate school, has some excellent advice in case you decide to go anyway:

    You can find Knox’s advice on whether and where to go to graduate school here:

    Peterson’s Graduate Planner walks you through all you need to know:

    The Modern Language Association—the mother ship of literary studies—has this advice on choosing programs and what to do once you’re there:

    Where Should You Go?
    Choosing a graduate school is a complicated thing. Several factors should affect your decision:

    • You want to apply to as many schools to which you can possible afford to apply. Twelve is not too many. Begin with a list twice as long and start to narrow it down.

    • How well does a specific program match your interests? Are there people there you want to work with (although they may be on sabbatical the whole time you are there...)? Is the program geared toward your strengths?

    • Where are you willing to live? Only on the coasts? Anywhere north of the Mason-Dixon line? Near your family? You’re going to be there for a while time, so think about it. What do you need to write well?

    • How much funding is available? Taking on massive amounts of debt is risky business, especially given that jobs are scarce.

    • How long does it take students to finish, and how well do they do on the job market, if at all? When you’ve narrowed it to a few schools, consider asking what their normative time is, what their average time to completion is, what their placement rates are, and how many of their graduates, if any, end up in tenure track jobs.

    • What publishing or editorial experiences are available to you while enrolled? Is the program affiliated with a journal or press? Can you get an assistantship to work there?

    • Do they offer teaching assistantships? The first year? Other kinds of assistantships?

    • Is it a two-year program? Three years? Four? Are there options for additional years and/or funding? Most students long for a third year, sometimes a fourth. The time passes quickly. Can you stay on to teach (and/or finish your manuscript) after your coursework is complete?

    • Can you work in multiple genres? Can you take courses outside the Department? Can you continue to throw pots or hone your Latin or study neuroscience? These questions, if relevant, will help you find a better fit.

    • Are you only interested in the program because of its prestige? Take a hard look at it. We love the University of Iowa, but so does everyone else. They receive many times more applications than almost any other schools because they are Iowa. Make sure you are applying for the right reason. Some of the best MFA programs might not be on your radar because they aren’t Ivy League, Big Ten, or near the Ocean.

    You can find directories of MFA programs, here:

    And of course you should look at schools’ own sites to see what they have to say for themselves.

    The Application

    A graduate school application typically consists of five things:

    • The application itself, including your transcripts. You should request applications from the schools you’re interested in. Follow directions to the letter

    • A statement of purpose

    • A writing sample

    • Letters of recommendation. (Your letters of recommendation are sometimes referred to as your dossier)

    • Some schools require GRE scores. Some do not.

    Advice on specific parts of the application is below. But here are some general suggestions to get you started:

    The University of Washington breaks down the nuts and bolts of an application:

    GRE Scores
    If you need to submit GRE scores, take advantage of whatever test-prep is available to you. Knox usually offers a GRE preparatory program in the fall. Take it. Do your homework. You will probably need to take the test in October to ensure that your scores arrive on time.

    Register for the GRE’s, and get some basic information, here:

    You can find lots of advice about doing well on the general exam here:

    A Statement of Purpose
    Your statement of purpose is, perhaps, the second most important part of your application. Please do not write about your profound love of writing, which is not only universal among applicants, but irrelevant to your success as a graduate student. Be sure to get help—the best statements go through many revisions.

    In your statement, you want to communicate that you’re an excellent writer and that you can follow directions (by which we mean that you stick to the word count and answer the questions, somehow). Above all else, the statement is a writing sample. Make it a good one. This statement is a chance for you to show off your skills in a different genre than the one in which you are applying. They’re looking for how well you understand metaphor, the relationship of the writer to what is written and what is read. Take a risk with this statement—you’ve got nothing to lose. The best statements are surprising, gutsy, and honest. They answer the requisite questions through image, experience, allusion. They are often indirect, implicit, and gorgeously crafted.

    Look for more suggestions here:

    UC Berkeley has some general advice about statements of purpose:

    You can find a good overview of what to do, and what not to do, in a statement from the University of Washington’s site:

    Look here for lots and lots of thoughts about what goes into a successful statement:

    Read about one student who writes a statement from the heart, and then revises like crazy:

    A Writing Sample
    Your writing sample shows what you can do. It should be the very best you can offer.

    • The writing sample will vary in length from program to program. Less is more. If the program requires “no more than 25 page of fiction” and your story is 22 pages, that’s fine. Someone will like you more for not squeezing in an additional three pager.

    • Ideally, your writing sample will show range, ability, depth, knowledge of craft, and innovation. That is, it will be an example of what you’re working.

    • Plan to revise your writing sample during the application process. It must be shiny and solid.

    • Again, take a look at Poets & Writers, The Writer’s Chronicle, and several of the aforementioned sites, all of whom update this kind of advice annually.

    Letters of Recommendation
    Be sure to review the department’s guidelines for requesting letters before you need them. Many of us spend the month of December writing letters of recommendation. Your organization and care is crucial to our success in this process.

    Keep the following in mind, too, when applying to graduate schools:

    • The best letters of recommendation come from professors who know you well. Develop relationships early, as you may need to request letters long before you graduate.

    • You want your statement of purpose, your writing sample, and your letters of recommendation to tell a coherent story. Thus, when you submit your requests for letters, you will need to have drafts of your personal statement and writing sample ready.

    Your best bet is to pay attention to the following:

    • Absolutely follow the department’s guidelines, but do ask individual professors if they prefer other things (or do not prefer certain things).

    In general, most of us want the following:

    1) Your resume, and an EDR or unofficial transcript or list of courses taken at Knox (with faculty listed, that would be great—especially in the English Department), We need to be reminded of the work we did together and what you did while here that we might highlight specifically.

    2) A copy of your statement of purpose.

    3) A copy of whatever writing sample they ask you for (if this is different for different schools, note so in a list or letter somewhere so we don't refer to a story that half of the places don't have).

    4) Any forms required by the graduate programs, if any. Please waive your right to the confidential letter. Schools look down upon non-confidential recommendations.

    5) A list of addresses and deadlines. If you are feeling really ambitious, mailing labels would be great too! (We write a lot of envelopes and our poor hands get tired.) Increasingly, many programs require online letters, which is fine by most of us, but we still need everything in order. As well, if you are applying to different programs or different degrees, you should let us know here—for instance, if one is an MA, another an MFA in Fiction, another an PhD in Literature with Creative Dissertation—and also clarify what genre you are applying in, if the writing sample doesn't make that clear.

    6) Your contact information (should we have a question or need to send something back to you). If you are traveling during the holidays, we’ll also need alternate information as many of are at work on these letters while you all are celebrating the festive months.

    7) Enough stamps for the envelopes. Even if online, some of us still send a hardcopy. If you send envelopes, do not attach the stamp; most of us will use Knox stationary and it kills us to have to waste the postage.

    8) Unless physically impossible, all of this should be received in hardcopy no later than six weeks prior to your first deadline. We can't get these things piecemeal. Make a folder with everything in order for all the schools. Most of us spend most of December doing this, even if you have later deadlines.

    Don’t forget, too, to keep us updated as news comes in. We worry so. And, gosh, a thank you note might be nice. Or a donation to Knox College’s Department of English, in our honor. A small token. We’ll remember.

    UC Berkeley has some general guidelines for requesting letters:

    If you plan to apply to more than a handful of schools, or if you’re requesting letters before you actually apply, consider setting up a credential file at Knox’s Center for Career and Pre-Professional Development.

    Books We (kind of) Recommend
    The Creative Writing MFA Handbook:
    A Guide for Prospective Graduate Students, Tom Kealey

    The AWP Official Guide to Writing Programs (11th Edition) [although this is all on-line now and the 11th edition, which is in print, is sorely out of date]

    An Insider’s Guide to Creative Writing Programs: Choosing the Right MFA or MA Program, Colony, Residency, Grant or Fellowship, Amy Holman

    [All of these books are fine, but the web gets you as much (if not more) information, and it is more up-to-date.]

    And Again, the earlier you start preparing for graduate school, the more options you’ll have. Your professors are here to help you. Just ask.

  • (Please note, these are general guidelines. Individual faculty may request specific documents or have their own set of expectations.)

    Choose wisely•Ask a professor whom you have a relationship with and who will able to include personal details and examples.

    •Consider asking whether your professor will be able to write a detailed and positive letter of recommendation.

    •Know that it is customary to waive your right to see letters of recommendation. If you choose not to waive this right, consult your professor about whether he or she is still willing to write the letter.

    •Have a back-up plan. It is not unusual for professors to decline, usually because of time constraints, conflicts of interest, or a lack of relevant information to draw upon.Ask early

    •Give your professor no less than one month to write a letter of recommendation. Six weeks before the deadline is not too early to ask.

    •Ask for a letter of recommendation in person. Requests via email or telephone are easier to miss.Make it easy

    •Once your professor has agreed to write a letter, download and complete the Request for Faculty Recommendation Form, or write a cover letter that explains exactly what the letter is for, where it is to be sent, and what the deadline is. (Remember to include your telephone number and email address in case your professor has any questions.)

    •Attach the following to the form or cover letter (please note, specific documentation may vary among the faculty, best to ask what each wants).

    •Any forms that must accompany the letter. You should complete as much as possible on your own.

    •Any brochures or handouts that describe the program, position, or award.

    •A résumé that includes your educational and employment background, and a copy of your Educational Development Record (EDR).

    •A statement reminding your professor of all the supportive things he or she could say about you. In what ways have you exceeded academic expectations? What relevant extra-curricular projects are you involved in? What specific examples can your professor cite?

    •A statement of purpose, if you are applying for a program or position, explaining why you should be chosen and what you hope to accomplish.

    •A sample of your best work, preferably work that the professor has commented on before.

    •Stamps (faculty prefer to use envelopes with college letterhead). Follow up

    •If the letter has not arrived a week before the deadline, consider contacting your professor to ask whether he or she needs more information from you. You are responsible for making sure that all letters actually arrive.

    •Consider sending a thank-you note to your professor.

    •Let your professor know what happens. Download the Request for Faculty Recommendation Form